What can $20.00 really buy you these days ? Well here in California you can get approximately four gallons of gas, or maybe lunch for one. Better yet why not save money on gas visit Mdbdesigns and get this great handcrafted clutch. The featured Jillian Clutch measures 6.5 x 12 3/4 in, and is constructed of sturdy denim. It reminds me of the denim overalls of my childhood. The best part is this clutch is affordable. Why not carpool with a friend, save gas, and the money you could have used for gas, could go towards this fab clutch.
I really this...will be so coll with my farm gear...which so BLUEJEANS and t-shirt...and sometimes my embroidered overalls which get laughed at...LOL
I love your BLOG!
Thanks for letting me know about it Amber! :)
Thanks for featuring me Amber!!! I am glad that you think my clutch is fab. I work hard at designing fabulous things.
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